Spacious SPA area

Open SPA
SPA center:
+38 (098) 422-20-99

Use of the SPA center for hotel guests is included in the price of accommodation. For guests not staying at the hotel, 800 UAH - adult, 400 UAH - child (6-12), up to 5 years old - free.
Renting a bathrobe for the entire period of stay - UAH 200. For guests of the Elena Spa Resort building, bathrobes are included in the price of accommodation.
The spa center is located in the building of Elena Spa Resort.
  • The size is 18 x 6 m
  • The temperature is 29-31°C
  • Depth 1.5 m
  • The size is 3 x 4 m
  • The temperature is 29-32°C
  • Depth 1 m


Children's pool
  • The size is 2.5 x 5 m
  • The temperature is 29-32°C
  • Depth 45 cm


Rest room with hay
After visiting the room, sleep will be better, immunity will increase, colds will pass faster. A person's mood and working capacity improve.


Wild sauna
  • Capacity up to 15 people
  • Temperature 70-90
  • Humidity 10-30%

Turkish hammam is good for health and beauty.

  • Capacity up to 10 people
  • The temperature is 40-45°C
  • Humidity 80-100%


Aroma sauna

The aroma sauna is a new service for our guests who love our SPA center so much. The temperature in the sauna is 55-60 degrees, it has a more relaxing, toning and calming effect. The high-quality citrus and pine aroma oils we use have adaptogenic properties: energizes, increases productivity and promotes good mood.

Massage services
An excellent place for rest and relaxation after taking the sauna
  • +380 98 763 2903